Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How We Met...

Our first ever photo we ever took together...
Wow! How we have both changed since then!!

How we met I consider to be an interesting story and when I tell people they consider it to be a very unique story. Katie (my sister) and Anna (Robert's sister) will tell you in a heartbeat that they were the reason that we met. You can be the judge of that I guess...

It was March 17, 2007. Dallas County High School was hosting their annual beauty review. Let me pause by saying that a beauty review is the same thing as a beauty pageant. I don't know why it's called a beauty review... It's the only thing I have ever known it by.

Anyways... Katie was only 14 at the time and could not drive. She really wanted to go to the beauty review, but did not have a ride. I was planning on staying at home that night because I had no reason to go the beauty review. My parents did not want to drive into town and take her, so I told her that I would take her. I am pretty sure there was some bargaining that took place... cleaning my room, free trips to Sonic, washing my car, something or anything.

We got to the beauty review late and decided to sit in the back. Within minutes I saw a friend from high school and his girlfriend and we walked up and sat with them. During intermission, Robert walked up to my friend and began talking to him. I noticed him, but I did not pay much attention to him. After a few minutes, my friend introduced me to Robert and explained that they were roommates at Alabama. I also learned that he was there because his sister was in the pageant.

Robert and I ended up sitting three people down from each other and I can remember hearing him tell jokes most of the pageant and thinking he was very funny. I had just gotten out a relationship though so I did not pay much attention to him. After the pageant was over, my friend asked if Robert and I wanted to ride around and hang out for a little bit. I debated it in my head and finally decided it would not harm anything to just hang out with them... it's not like it was a date or anything!

We walked out of the auditorium and Robert and I made small talk and I laughed the whole walk to the car. We rode around for a couple of hours when my friend and his girlfriend decided that they wanted to go home. They dropped us off at Robert's car. He asked me if I was ready to go home or if I wanted to ride around for a little while longer. I was not ready to go home yet, but I was a little nervous about riding around with a guy I had just met 3 hours earlier.

We ended up riding around until after midnight and by the end of the night I was in love. I can remember going to the grocery store the next day with my mom and telling her about this amazing guy I met the night before and how we ended up riding around and hanging out for hours. (Of course she did the whole Mom thing! Do you know him? Who are his parents? Where is he from? Has he been to prison? Does he have tattoos? Ha!)

I honestly did not expect to hear from ever again after that night, but while grocery shopping Robert ended up calling. For the next week we talked every night until 2'o'clock in the morning and within one week we were officially dating... and now we are a little over 10 months from getting married!! :))

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