Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Umm... Did a month just go by??

Wow... How the past month has FLOWN by... It seems like just yesterday that Robert and I had 10 months to go before our BIG day and now we are down to LESS than 9 months! Where has all this time gone???

I know that I have not updated my blog in the past month... and that is because life has been super CRAZY!!

I started my last semester of undergraduate classes at UM (Yay!) and Robert is in full teaching/coaching mode at DCHS. Robert is in his second year of teaching United States History to 11th graders. He is in first official year of coaching football. I am finally beginning to understand football better. Now don't get me wrong - I understood the basics before, but now I have to understand all the mumbo-jumbo and learn all the penalties and all that fun stuff (otherwise I will be super lost during the ball game!).

Also during the past month, we finished the DCHS Football Program. We took it over last year and raised $10K! If I must say, it was a MUCH better product than in the past. It had 100 pages and color on the Front/Inside Front/Inside Back/Back. This year we raised roughly $8K and it was around 88 pages! (Not bad for a slow economy!)

We worked our butts off selling and building ads. We both were super busy with other things, so we didn't put our 100% effort into it. It came down to crunch time and for one whole week in August we were staying up till 2 a.m. each night. It was AWFUL! But I think it all paid off in the end. The printing company messed up and printed the entire book in color (88 pages!) and besides a couple things I think it looks really good. I heard lots of POSITIVE comments at the DCHS game Friday night, which made me happy!

Robert was also very sick about two weeks ago. He got sick with what appeared to be a sinus infection one Sunday afternoon and then proceeded to stay out of work all the next week and ended up being diagnosed with pneumonia. He is finally back up and running to full speed! Thank goodness!

In wedding news... not much has changed. Between school and football season, I can't seem to concentrate on our wedding. I know that is awful and I will be getting back on it ASAP! It is just so much to deal with right now!

Still looking for a reception location... Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!! :))

I promise I will be back to updating regularly this week! I know you are excited! :))

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