Monday, August 3, 2009

Who has this many friends???

Robert and I are getting married in 313 days! It sounds so far away, but to me each day that passes brings so much more to do!

I was telling a friend the other day that I never knew that being a bride was such hard work! :)) I LOVE every minute of it though!

One thing I have discovered is that people like to ask you questions. They range from... "Where are you getting married?" to "Have you picked your colors yet?"

I have found though that two questions/statements are VERY common and are the main questions/statements that are asked of me.
1. "What all have you gotten done so far?"... and ...
2. "Do you need my address?/Our names better be on the guest list!"

I am beginning to dread them though! How awful is that! One thing that question #1 gives me is accountability. I need it more than anything, whether it be in the wedding process, school, church, etc. When people ask you that question, I feel like they are seeing if I am being a busy, busy bride.

Question/statement #2 causes controversy though. There is a restaurant in Selma where I used to go eat every Friday. It was the highlight of my week because that's when my dad and I did our bonding time. Also, you see everyone in Selma! Well... this past Friday I went with my mom and sister and ended up seeing one of my bridesmaids' aunts. I have known her forever and of course she asked question #2. I replied, "Well of course!", with a big smile on my face. All the while, I am saying on the inside that "I did not even think about her when I was making the guest list."

But yes, I have been making our guest list and have started with both sides of our family (200 for Robert, 100 for myself), my parents friends (100 roughly), both of our church families (1oo roughly), and then our many friends (???). If you kept up with the math, then that is 500 people without any friends.

All I can say is WOW!! WHO HAS THIS MANY FRIENDS?!?!?!

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